Our Story

Melanin Millionaire Movement 


MISSION: To help 100,000 Black families increase their net-worth by $1,000,000


Our brand was created to bring awareness and tangible resources to closing the wealth gap. 76% of Americans are living check to check. 69% have less than $1,000 in savings. To break it down even further, 34% don’t have a single penny in savings. 35% have less than $1,000. Meaning Less than ¼ of Americans have enough money saved away for six months worth of their expenses in the event of job loss, or money to cover a medical emergency or unexpected event. Average credit card debt per household is about $15,432. Then most staggering statistic of them all is that approximately only 1-2% of Financial Advisors are African American. Which lets me know that many African Americans don’t work with one or tend to struggle even more with money, simply because they can't find someone to educate them that looks like them! We want to change that; everyone deserves access to quality financial advice to plan out their future. We are on a mission to reduce the racial wealth gap. A study showed that African American households had a median wealth of $1,700, while white households had a median wealth of $116,800 and the difference is widening. Without significant policy reform in America, it would take 228 years for black families to amass the wealth that white families have today, according to a new study.  So now more than ever, we must take action on improving the state of the financial well-being of people of color.

Sources: Prosperitynow.org CNN MONEY  Zero Hedge Financial Planning


This movement is for people of color and anyone in support of our plight. Led by our Founder, George Acheampong Jr.


Melanin Money is a movement designed to help close the wealth gap through education and  economic empowerment. Our entire mission centers around helping people of color build wealth. 



NOW! Our goal is move the needle every single day. There has never been a better time to take massive action on shifting the course of history and cementing our legacy. 



We have a goal to help 100,000 families, improve their net-worth by $1,000,000. This will create 100 Billion  of new black wealth!  Through our community, the Melanin Millionaires Club, and our weekly podcast and a consistent commitment to targeted initiatives like Black Wealth Friday, where we have a goal of turning the largest consumer spending day of the year, into the largest wealth creation day of the year.

 We plan to make a strong push for government reform to change policies that have been intentionally or carelessly designed to keep people of color from building wealth. A portion of all profits get reinvested back into under represented black communities. 



Visit our Website learn more about how this works and how you can get started. 


Disclaimer: Melanin Money is not a Registered Investment Advisor. Investment advisory services are offered through Capitalwize, LLC. Acheampong Enterprise, LLC DBA "Melanin Money" is a financial education company that also sells lifestyle apparel and accessories that were created to bring awareness to the movement of helping people of color build wealth. Clients of Capitalwize are under no obligation to purchase products from Melanin Money. Additionally, Customers of Melanin Money are under no obligation to become investment advisory clients of Capitalwize